Born and raised in Las Vegas, my photography journey began when I was 7 as a paparazzi photographer for my two childhood pets, Maya & Kolohe (dog and cat). 
Since then, my photography journey slowly transitioned to humans and I found I enjoyed the connection between easing people into being comfortable in front of the camera, then capturing their best moments. I first began taking senior/prom portraits while in high school, and eventually landed my first official job in 2020 with BellaBaby Photography where I took, sold, and edited photos of newborn babies to their families at Summerlin Hospital. 
After the pandemic hit, BellaBaby was shut down, and so I went back to freelance. I gained a lot more experience shooting graduation, jiu-jitsu sport, and even pet photoshoots. In the summer of 2021, I became a photographer at Camp Nashoba North, a co-ed summer camp for kids ages 7-16 in Raymond, Maine. I shot, edited, and uploaded over 6000 photos for parents and social media. See my summer work here.

PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT: Canon 6D EOS mark ii, 35mm lens

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